Chrono trigger remake nx
Chrono trigger remake nx

Alien Sky: Dual moons, one white and one red, despite both Chrono Trigger and Radical Dreamers only having one.At the same time, though, FATE seems to have been corrupted by the influence of the Frozen Flame, so it may well be insane anyway. On the one hand, it's perfectly happy to influence events to get a whole mess of people killed (and personally murder the protagonists while it's at it), but it's really just doing what it has to in order to fulfill the mission it was given - avoiding a time paradox by making sure it doesn't change history to the extent that Chronopolis never comes to exist in the future. Is a Crapshoot: Zig-zagged with FATE, the main computer controlling Chronopolis. Or, hell, bring a dozen Carnivore traps and go to town. So, if you cast a weak non-green spell every time the field becomes fully green, he'll spend most of the fight casting Green Field. But he only casts Carnivore if the entire element field is green. His challenge comes from his tendency to cast Carnivore, a powerful green-elemental spell. This is particularly handy because it lets you get Serge's Infinity -1 Sword way, way before you're supposed to. By using a specific piece of equipment that allows Elemental Absorption and following a certain pattern of actions in battle, you can force his AI to use nothing but debuffs that do no damage, and a move that actually heals you, thanks to the absorption armor you equipped. There is an incredibly difficult Bonus Boss who is vulnerable to this.


Breaker: A few bosses can be completely short-circuited by knowing how to interrupt the AI's pattern with your own actions.

chrono trigger remake nx

Also, the games will revive knocked out characters after a battle, giving them 1 HP. After-Combat Recovery: If the player has any healing elements left over after battle, the game will offer to use them for instant healing.Actually Four Mooks: You touch one enemy on the map, you're in battle with 2-4.After beating him, it turns out you were fighting one of Lynx's cat-like "shadow" minions, which he had transformed into his own likeness. Actually a Doombot: The game pulls this early on, when building up Lynx as the Big Bad, before the party finally fights him.Action Prologue: The game begins with an action/tutorial dream sequence which foreshadows an extended gameplay sequence from a (much) later dungeon.This means that, if you want to hit the maximum level, you've got to beat the game twice, then play some way into the game for a third time before hitting the cap. The maximum number of bosses you can face on any one playthrough is 48.

chrono trigger remake nx chrono trigger remake nx

The maximum star level is 99, which only goes up after defeating a boss, along with some minor stat growths for a few battles after that.

  • Absurdly High Level Cap: Taken straight into Anti-Grinding territory.

  • Chrono trigger remake nx